Memo 147: Six Tips for Success at a Blogger Conference

Two weeks ago, I attended the Simply Stylist Conference in Chicago; my first blogger’s conference EVER! The #sschi (the hashtag used throughout the conference) was probably one of the better ones to attend to pop a blogger’s conference cherry. It was intimate, the speakers were informative, the other attendees were open to networking and it only lasted ONE day! It was long enough to get the information and make the connections that you wanted and short enough that it didn’t feel overwhelming and exhausting.

A winner in my book!

These six tips will help you be a prepared and active participant at your first or next blogger’s conference:

1. Be Prepared for Real Time Social Media Coverage. Of course, you will want to Instagram and Tweet real time, so don’t forget to bring your device of choice to capture special moments throughout the conference.

(Photos via Instagram)

2. Charge your devices. More importantly, keep a back up charger on hand. There’s nothing more fun and exciting than walking up to a conference speaker to get a picture and having your phone die right as they agree to the photo opportunity. This tip also applies to device storage space. Make room BEFORE you get to the event or you’ll end up like me off in some corner DURING the event trying to make life decisions about which photos and videos to delete.

Conference Speaker Wendy Nguyen of Wendy’s Lookbook

3. At least have a business card and at most have a media kit available to represent your blog. When you’re talking to other bloggers, a business card will do. However, when you meet a representative from one of your favorite brands, the media kit is the way to go!

Prada inspired glasses from the Sunglass Warehouse

4. Pack a winning attitude and great personality. Show up with your best game face on and make sure that your personality is shining through. This is the time to show that there is a fantastic person behind the blog.

Showing My Best ‘Stache at the Simply Sytlist Photo Booth

5. Put your best foot forward. Literally, wear cute comfortable shoes and an eye catching outfit. You are, after all, representing your brand. So, show up!

Zara Shoes and Zara Clear Minaudière

6. Bring your courage and ambition. Prior to attending the conference, set some goals that you would like to achieve before the conference is over. Whether it’s to meet five new bloggers or to introduce yourself to two of the conference speakers, make a list and knock it out!


If you’ve ever attended a conference and have some additional tips, please feel free to share. What would you add? What would you do differently at the next conference?


  1. August 12, 2014 / 11:33 pm

    This was really informative. I found out about the conference too late unfortunately, but I will be Blogalicious in November in San Antonio! Hope to see you there. 😉

    • August 13, 2014 / 4:16 am

      Hmm…looks like I need to go see what this Blogalicious is all about.

  2. August 12, 2014 / 11:36 pm

    …also DEETS on that pink skirt. It looks like a skater skirt I got from H&M – which I LOVE!

    • August 13, 2014 / 4:21 am

      I purchased the Devlin skirt at Nordstrom a couple of seasons ago but I've been seeing the skirt in different colors at some other retailers. I wish that I could think of where I've seen it. Francesca's maybe?

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