Party With A Purpose
What you don’t know about this shoot is that I partnered up with fellow Influencer and friend, Tania Cascilla of Darling Tee, to hire our favorite photographer, Marta Skovro, to create content in the same block of time.
Not only were we able to get more looks shot than we would have ever been able to get on our own (hi productivity!), we were, also, able to hang out a little since we were together. Win!
So, I got to thinking, what other ways can you have fun with your friends while, also, checking things off on your to-do list. Here are a few ideas on how to productively party with a purpose.
Tiff Tip #1: Host A Clothing Swap
When you’re in the mood to clean out your closet, make space for new things and get ride of pieces that are no longer bringing you joy (shout out to Marie Kondo), gather your friends who may be in the same mood for a little clothing swap situation. This can be as elaborate or as simple as you want it to be. Have food and drinks on deck, have the girls bring their things and get to swapping. Whatever remains unclaimed, drop it off at the local donation station.
Easy peasy.
You and your friends now have some “new to you” pieces without spending too much money other than the cost to host the event.
Tiff Tip #2: Organize a Team Werkout
Did they say that ‘teamwerk makes the werkout werk’ or did I just make that up? Accountability matters, folks! Also, getting together to workout with friends is, dare I say it, fun! Here you are working towards your fitness goals and getting that good QT in with your cronies.
Tiff Tip #3: Host A Sunday Potluck
Next to shopping, eating has to be one of my favorite pastimes. I used to be a server while in college and a year after graduation. So, I have an affinity for ambiance and the dining experience. However, we all know that eating out every day isn’t sustainable or necessarily healthy for you.
So, host a potluck and curate a healthy menu. Have your friends select one or two dishes to make and have them make enough for the amount of people on the invite list and to last for 3 – 4 days. The idea here is not only to cook for the day but to, also, have enough food that people can take home for the remainder of the week.
Boom! Now, you just saved on meal prep time for the week and spent an awesome Sunday with friends.
Tiff Tip #4: Schedule an Organization Party
Raise your hand if you always have the intention to organize some area of your home but can never find the time to actually do it. Guilty!
This requires a little scheduling but the idea here is to select a new home every week and collectively organize the area of that person’s home that needs the most attention. Since it’s scheduled and people are coming to help, there will be a better chance of you actually getting organized.
I think that’s another win!
Tiff Tip #5: Host A Card Writing Party
Finally, when it comes to handwritten notes and cards, our generation tends to slack on this very respected tradition. People still like to receive things in the mail especially since most mail these days requires some sort of payment.
So, host a card writing party where everyone can bring their cards and actually write, address, and mail them off. It would be helpful to collect some money prior to the event to provide stamps, labels, printer and ink (optional) to ensure that the cards get written without any hiccups.
This idea works really well for holiday cards and thank you notes!
Thank me later.
That’s it.
That’s the post.
Let me know if you have any other ideas on how to productively party with a purpose in the comments below.
Get The Look
Pierro Green Foliage Shirt c/o Sezane – Sold here
t.b.d. Leather Shorts – Similar here and here
Brother Vellies Springbok Sandals – Sold here
Rejina Pyo Leopard Olive Sunglasses – Sold here
Staud Goldie Woven Hangbag – Sold here
ASOS Wood Necklace – No Longer Available